IBCS - International Business Communication Standards
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International Business Communication Standards
Što je IBCS?
Renato Očko certificirani je IBCS konzultant a trajnim zadatkom usavršavanja prema najnovijim IBCS dostignućima.
Osim toga, Kognosko organizira redovite specijalističke edukacije ZEBRA.BI. koje našim klijentima omogućavaju brzu i efikasnu edukaciju iz IBCS kroz Excel add-in Zebra.BI.
IBCS koncept temelji se na SUCCESS načelima:
SAY: Convey a message Do you have something to report? Often reports are merely a collection of data with no discernible message for the audience. This is also the case for most presentations.
UNIFY: Apply semantic notation Things which are the same should look the same and things that are different should not look the same. Unambiguous design rules facilitate production and comprehension.
CONDENSE: Increase information density A high level of information density makes it possible to display complex facts. Only an overview of the entire picture permits correct evaluation of detailed information.
CHECK: Ensure visual integrity The recipients of a report expect the data in it to be accurate. But are the correct data also presented accurately? Manipulated charts are a matter of fact in business communication.
EXPRESS: Choose proper visualization Good visualization starts with the selection of those diagrams and tables, which convey the desired message along with the underlying facts as quickly as possible.
SIMPLIFY: Avoid clutter SIMPLIFY facilitates the readability of charts and tables. Eliminating ‘Noise’ and ‘Redundancy’ frees objects in a report from avoidable background noise.
STRUCTURE: Organize content Reports and presentations have, in many cases, no logical structure. When things overlap and are incomplete, they make it hard to understand business communication.