Fundamentals of industry 4.0

Trajanje: 8 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
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Target Audience:

  • Maintenance staff, engineers and designers


  • 8 hours:
  • 4 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English, Turkish

Training Outcomes:

After completing this training course, the participant will:
  • understand the terms in daily life such as big data, data security, cloud, business models etc.
  • understand the terms in business life such as RFID, QR, VR, AR, MES, Artificial intelligence, Digital Twin, IoT etc.
  • know the differences between traditional factory and I4.0 applied factory
  • know how to solve some problems of a factory via industry 4.0 technologies

Training schedule:

  • On-demand

Training Contents:

  • Definition of industry 4.0, industrial revolutions, some terms of industry 4.0 and expectations from industry 4.0 (1 hour)
  • Digitalization in daily life and some extra terms (1 hour)
  • Digitalization in business life and some extra terms (1 hour)
  • Some technical infrastructures which are related with industry 4.0, RFID, MES, AR (1 hour)
  • Traditional factory (1 hour)
  • Industry 4.0 applied factory (1 hour)
  • Problems of a traditional factory (1 hour)
  • Fixing the problems and solving the problems of the traditional factory applying industry 4.0 solutions (1 hour)
NOTE: There will be some teamwork during this training

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