Croatian language

Trajanje: Na upit
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
Pošalji upit za program



U tebi sam vijek svoj proživio,
Drevni i lijepi jeziče Hrvata:
Rođen na morskom pragu tvojih vrata,
Polako sam te, uz trud, osvojio.
(Vladimir Nazor, Hrvatski jezik)


The teaching programme for the Croatian language was created on the basis of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), which defines 6 levels of knowledge of foreign languages:

A1: Breakthrough
A2: Waystage
B1: Threshold
B2: Vantage
C1: Effective Operational Proficiency
C2: Mastery

A certificate for each level is gained by a successfully completed test/examination.

The course material is devided into modules.

Each module consists of 70 teaching hours and the classes run one semester (1 teaching hour is 45 minutes).

Students are enrolled for a specific module as follows:

Beginners enrol for module one.

Candidates who have some previous knowledge of Croatian take an entrance test,online or face-to-face level test (written and oral), after which they may enroll for the module appropriate for their level of knowledge.


  • Regular group courses
  • Individual learning

Working hours

Monday-Friday, 8 - 20

Saturday, 9 - 13

Candidates with previous knowledge

Candidates who have some previous knowledge of Croatian take an entrance test, online or face-to-face level test (written and oral), after which they may enroll for the module appropriate for their level of knowledge.

Entrance test can be taken by appointment.

Pošalji upit za program

Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

Za precizniji odgovor unesite Vaše podatke

Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi

Pošalji upit za program

Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

Za precizniji odgovor unesite Vaše podatke

Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi

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