Croatian as a Foreign Language Course Program učenja hrvatskog jezika za strance

Trajanje: 70 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena:
Od 380 EUR
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The Croatian as a Foreign Language course is suited to anyone who wishes to master the basic grammatical structures, vocabulary as well as conversation and dialogue phrases in Croatian language. English language is used as an auxiliary teaching language. The class is held by Croatian language teachers. The course can be organized both as group classes as well as individual classes.

The course is tailored according to the system of 6 levels of language proficiency that are in accordance with the CEF (Common European Framework) and they include 70 hours per module.  After each taken module students have an exam that contains an oral and written examination. For each completed and passed module the students get a National Open University (Narodno učilište) certificate.

At the end of the level students sit for the final exam that contains  a written, oral and listening part

After each sucesfully  completed level (A1, A2, B1 , B2) students get a certificate verified by Ministry of Science and Eduacation of the Republic of Croatia.

The price for the Croatian as a Foreign Language course depends on the number of students in the study group. A price per module (70 school periods) is 380,00 EUR for a group of 6 students . There is also a possibility of paying in 4 monthly installments (4×95,00 EUR)

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