International Winter School

Trajanje: Na upit
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
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​ Learn from the best. Lead the change.

All lectures received from professors with international experience at the best business school in Croatia.

Analyzing market changes and global trends, ZSEM has prepared popular and creative new courses for the International Winter School that are crucial in the current changing world. Students participating in the International Winter School program at ZSEM will have the opportunity to choose among a range of creative and popular topics in business from different fields whilst experiencing the magic of Zagreb. 

Over the course of two weeks students will; visit local companies, receive interactive and innovative lectures from professors and guest lecturers. Students will learn about doing business in Croatia and European Union, take a one-day excursion to the Plitvice Lakes National Park, one day ski trip to Sljeme, Zagreb as well as connecting with students from the entire world all by learning from the professors at the best business school in Croatia!

Download the flyer here.

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Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

Za precizniji odgovor unesite Vaše podatke

Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi

Pošalji upit za program

Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

Za precizniji odgovor unesite Vaše podatke

Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi

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