VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage

Trajanje: 5 dan(a)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena:
1.790,43 EUR + PDV
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Based on VMware ESXi™ 6.7, VMware vCenter Server® 6.7, and vRealize Operations 7.0, this course includes instruction on advanced capabilities, including customization and management.

This five-day course, designed for experienced VMware vSphere® users, teaches you how to use VMware vRealize® Operations™ as a forensic and predictive tool. Based on VMware ESXi™ 6.7, VMware vCenter Server® 6.7, and vRealize Operations 7.0, this course includes instruction on advanced capabilities, including customization and management.

Datum početka

  • 03.10.2022.
  • 28.11.2022.

Što ćete naučiti

  1. By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
  2. Navigate the vRealize Operations user interface
  3. Use alerts and dashboards to troubleshoot common and complex vSphere operational issues
  4. Assess performance and optimize workloads based on business or operational intents
  5. Assess overall capacity and identify cost savings opportunities
  6. Perform capacity planning and what-if analyses
  7. Configure groups and policies to meet the operational needs of your environment
  8. Customize vRealize Operations by creating alert definitions, symptom definitions, views, reports, dashboards, and super metrics
  9. Give users and user groups controlled access to your environment
  10. Monitor operating systems and applications
  11. Extend the capabilities of vRealize Operations by adding management packs and solutions
  12. Scale a vRealize Operations deployment and make it highly available
  13. Install and configure vRealize Operations • Monitor and maintain a vRealize Operations deployment

Kome je namijenjeno

  • Experienced system administrators and system integrators, and consultants responsible for customizing vRealize Operations content.


  • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.7]
  • VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6.7]

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