Red Hat Certified Engineer Akademija - SMART

Trajanje: 5 dan(a)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena:
3.316,74 EUR + PDV
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Program consists of three courses and two exams covering the core system administration tasks needed to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers, key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator and skills needed to manage large numbers of systems and applications efficiently and consistently.

Red Hat System Administration I - RH124 equips you with Linux® administration "survival skills" by focusing on foundational Linux concepts and core tasks. You will learn how to apply command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, starting you on your journey toward becoming a full-time Linux system administrator. This path continues with the follow-on course, Red Hat System Administration II - RH134 which focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator.

RH134 builds upon and lends context to the foundational knowledge established in RH124. This follow-on course demonstrates more detailed use cases for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, preparing you for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam - EX200.

This path continues with Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible - RH294 that teaches the skills needed to use Ansible® to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. RH294 prepares you for Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 - EX294.

Datum početka

  • 17.10.2022.
  • 21.11.2022.
  • 12.12.2022.

Što ćete naučiti

  1. Access the command line
  2. Manage files from command line
  3. Create, view, and edit text files
  4. Manage local users and groups
  5. Monitor and manage Linux processes
  6. Control services and daemons
  7. Control access to files with file system permissions
  8. Analyze and store log files
  9. Configure and secure the OpenSSH serviceInstall and update software packages
  10. Access Linux file systems
  11. Manage Linux networking
  12. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Kickstart
  13. Manage file systems and logical volumes
  14. Manage scheduled jobs
  15. Access network file systems
  16. Manage SELinux
  17. Control firewalls
  18. Perform troubleshooting tasks
  19. Install and configure Ansible or Red Hat Ansible Engine on a control node
  20. Create and manage inventories of managed hosts, as well as prepare them for Ansible automation
  21. Run individual ad hoc automation tasks from the command line
  22. Write Ansible Playbooks to consistently automate multiple tasks and apply them to managed hosts
  23. Parameterize playbooks using variables and facts, and protect sensitive data with Ansible Vault
  24. Write and reuse existing Ansible roles to simplify playbook creation and reuse code
  25. Automate common Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administration tasks using Ansible

Kome je namijenjeno

This program is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in becoming Linux system administrators, DevOps engineers, infrastructure automation engineers, and systems design engineers who are responsible for these tasks:

  • Configuring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining Linux systems using established standards and procedures.
  • Providing operational support.
  • Managing systems for monitoring system performance and availability.
  • Writing and deploying scripts for task automation and system administration.


  • Basic technical user skills with computer applications on some operating systems are expected.

Nastavni plan

  • Red Hat System Administration I - RH124
  • Red Hat System Administration II - RH134
  • Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible - RH294
  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam - EX200
  • Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 - EX294

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