Electro Pneumatics

Trajanje: 8 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
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Target Audience:

  • Maintenance staff, engineers and designers
  • Max. 20 participants per session


  • 8 hours:
  • 4 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English

Training Outcomes:

After completing this training course, the participants:

  • can describe the functional relationship between pneumatic and electrical components
  • can identify and describe the design, features and operation of electropneumatic and electrical components
  • can identify and explain symbols for electropneumatic and electrical components
  • can read and interpret electropneumatic circuit diagrams

Training Contents:

  • Electrical principles
  • Electrical and pneumatic symbols and standards
  • Interaction of electrical control section and pneumatic power section
  • Function of signal generators (push buttons, switches and relays)
  • Components of power section control section
  • Electronic sensors (inductive, capacitive and infrared)
  • Systematic production and reading of electrical circuit diagrams
  • Operating modes of electro - pneumatic control systems
  • Coordinated sequence controls
  • Safety regulations and valid standards for electrical engineering and pneumatics
  • Typical Industrial circuits

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