How to Integrate Festo Equipment with Siemens PLC

Trajanje: 8 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
Pošalji upit za program


Target Audience:

  • Maintenance staff, engineers and designers
  • Max. 20 participants per session


  • 8 hours:
  • 4 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English

Training Outcomes:

After completing this training course, the participant will:

  • know how to setup a interface between the program device and PLC
  • understand OR FUNCTION, ST-Structure( IF ,THEN ) LDD-Ladder diagram - NO,NC,COIL
  • understand AND FUNCTION , ST-Structure, LDD-Ladder diagram
  • understand NEGATING, ST-Structure, LDD-Ladderdiagram
  • understand SET and RESET, ST-Structure, LDD-Ladder diagram
  • understand EDGE TRIGGER / RISING- and FALLINGEDGE ST-Structure, LDD-Ladder diagram
  • understand TIMERS, ST-Structure, LDD-Ladder diagram

Training Contents:

  • Create a Project : Exercise 1
  • Warning Lamp
  • Exercise 2: Change of conveyor direction
  • Exercise 3: Pneumatic Press
  • Exercise 4: Belt Sander
  • Exercise 5: Swivel Bridge
  • Exercise 6: Rachet Conveyor
  • Exercise 7: Labelling Device
  • Exercise 8: Embossing Machine
  • Exercise 9: Packaging of Spark Plugs

All Exercises are done on PLCSIM simulation by the participants

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