Structured Problem Solving (PLT)

Trajanje: 12 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
Pošalji upit za program


Target Audience:

  • Maintenance Technicians
  • Lean Consultants
  • Team leaders
  • Operators


  • 12 hours:
  • 6 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English

Training Outcomes:

After this seminar the participants are able to identify the causes and characteristics of the problems in a targeted manner. They learn about the six phases in the problem-solving cycle and can apply them. The participants use appropriate techniques to develop suitable solutions and to present their advantages and disadvantages.

Training Contents:

Typical problem situations in everyday working life
  • The six phases in the problem-solving cycle
  • Checklists for problem identification
  • The 5 times why technique
  • The cause-effect diagram
  • The brainstorming method
  • The multipoint technology
  • The action plan
  • Working with fault and error documentation
  • Practical examples for training the methods and tools

Pošalji upit za program

Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

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Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi

Pošalji upit za program

Vaš upit je neobvezujuć i informativnog je karaktera

Za precizniji odgovor unesite Vaše podatke

Klikom na gumb za slanje dajete izričitu privolu za prosljeđivanje Vaših podataka edukacijskoj ustanovi