DC/AC motors and testing

Trajanje: 8 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
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Target Audience:

  • Maintenance staff, engineers and designers
  • Max. 20 participants per session


  • 8 hours:
  • 4 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English, Turkish

Training Outcomes:

After completing this online course, the participants:
  • can interpret armature winding and excitation winding resistances, currents and voltages on DC machines
  • can interpret speed, current consumption, output power and efficiency on DC machines
  • are familiar with power factor, apparent power, reactive power and efficiency on single phase motors
  • can perform star and delta connection on 3 phase machines
  • can calculate effective power for 3 phase motor
  • understand motor protection switch

Training schedule:

  • On-demand

Training Contents:

  • Overview of direct current, alternating current machines, basic principles of the direct current shunt motor, basic principles of the direct current series motor (1 hour)
  • Basic principles of the single-phase AC motor with squirrel-cage rotor (capacitor motor) (1 hour)
  • Single-phase AC motor with squirrel-cage rotor (capacitor motor) with different loads, motor test bench and drive lab software(1 hour)
  • Basic principles of universal motor and universal motor with different loads (1 hour)
  • 3-phase asynchronous motor with squirrel-cage rotor (1 hour)
  • 3-phase asynchronous motor with squirrel-cage rotor measurements and calculations with various loads (1 hour)
  • Basic principles of the 3-phase synchronous motor (1 hour)
  • 3-phase synchronous motor in no-load operation and with various loads (1 hour)
All exercises are done on motor test bench with help of drive lab software.

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