BUS technologies and connections of several equipment through bus systems

Trajanje: 8 sat(i)
Rok prijave: Otvorene prijave
EduCentar cijena: Na upit
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Target Audience:

  • Maintenance staff, engineers and designers


  • 8 hours:
  • 4 sessions (2 hours each)


  • English, Turkish

Training Outcomes:

After completing this training course, the participant will:
  • understand network topologies such as ring, star, mesh, bus, line, tree, fully connected, advantages and disadvantages
  • understand main concept of a Profibus system
  • know how to connect an equipment to PLC via Profibus
  • know how to define addresses on Profibus technology and DIP (dual in-line package) switches
  • understand the GSD files
  • understand main concepts of a Profinet system
  • know how to match TCP-IP addresses
  • know how to connect an equipment to PLC via Profinet

Training schedule:

  • On-demand

Training Contents:

  • Fieldbus basics and terms of bus systems (1 hour)
  • Different bus systems and Profibus system and master and slave term (1 hour)
  • Connection of a second PLC into the system, connection of a Siemens unit into the system (1 hour)
  • Connection of a Festo valve island and input modules into the PLC system via Profibus (1 hour)
  • Profinet system and TCP-IP addresses (1 hour)
  • Connection of a second PLC into the system via Profinet (1 hour)
  • Connection of a Siemens unit into the Profinet system (1 hour)
  • Connection of a Festo valve island, input and output modules into the PLC system via Profinet (1 hour)
All exercises are done on PLC S7-1200 TIA Portal

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